Carbon-neutral Superstars and Supercars ?

We are grateful, everyday, for the incredible places we see as part of Verve Rally, one of them being our beautiful place of work. Walking through the green oasis of Berkeley Square every morning is a privilege we’ll never get over. The hustle and bustle of London is punctuated by these lush spaces, which not only provide a spiritual escape, but also a sanctuary for nature. With 8.4 million trees- detoxifying city air-London comes under UN Forest definitions. As the threat of Climate Change has begun to mobilise people into action- Its time for business to take responsibility for protecting and investing in Global forests.

We are proud to have built environmental concern into our Business plan from the start in 2016. A business based on a love for travel and supercars, we had to find a way to reconcile our passions with our concern for environmental impact.

Every business has a responsibility to choose the best route, and we scoured the options. We chose a partnership with Plant a Tree Today (PATT) foundation.

Plant a Tree Today

In 2006 PATT carried out their first tree-planting project in Thailand. Supplying 500 fruit and teak trees to a local orphanage. Trees not only detoxify the air; they provide shelter and resources, which for many around the world is a living, breathing, growing- life-line. Thirteen years on and the PATT foundation has planted over 3 million trees…and now they’re sights are set on dwindling UK forests. Their next project ‘One Hull of A Forest’ will plant 200,000 trees in Hull, the UK city with the lowest woodland cover.

“It’s positive to see organisations like the Verve Rally taking action against climate change by offsetting their emissions through tree planting. The trees not only sequester carbon but also have a significant benefit on our health and well being as well as providing increased habitat for wildlife.” Andy Steel, PATT Foundation

We are proud to be helping them achieve their goals and share the positive impact of Trees at home and abroad. Each tree planted also represents their engagement with local communities; in Hull they plan to partner with 79 local primary schools to educate on environmental issues as well as invest in the cities biological assets, “It’s important to involve the future stewards of the environment at an early stage to continue the work long after we have gone” Andy Steel, PATT foundation

We are also proud to be Europe’s first carbon neutral rally because we’re showing that with the right principles and values, you can improve the impact of your business on the environment- even when your business gravitates around carbon high- travel and cars. Through the public support for us as Europe’s first carbon neutral rally, we’re starting conversations and raising the bar of environmental engagement within the industry of performance cars and travel.

It’s not a perfect solution. Our environmental work is, by no means, done. We’re always on the look out for new and innovative ways we can improve our environmental impact. For now, we’re grateful that through PATT we feel like we’re on the right track. The environment is intrinsic to every thing we hold dear. And the Earth is worth our love, protection and investment.

If you’d like to find out more about how you can offset your carbon emissions through tree planting projects, click here :

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